TIME LAPSE construction of a 10' x 24' storage shed displayed from start to finish. Asphalt roof and vinyl siding. Total time: 110 hours/12 days. Total cost: 50. Built to last a minimum of 30 years. Off the ground to avoid snow and water. Will not rot or decay. Asphalt roof and high load capacity. For FREE blueprints subscribe and make a comment. I DO NOT own the background music. 1. Layout foundation using strings and batter boards. Dig holes for concrete piers and small rock for base. Use the pythagorean theorem to test strings are at 90 degree angles. Use plumb bob to center posts. 2. Use proper spacing and double up joists when necessary. Use proper sheathing 5/8" for sub floor. 3. Frame walls, check diagonals for square and place a diagonal brace to avoid shifting. Frame opening of door 2 inches wider than the door itself. 4. Put in rafters with the proper birds mouth, braces, and spacing. Extend the rafters as necessary to avoid rain and snow from touching the base of the shed. 5. Sheath the roof with 1/2" or 5/8" depending on snow loads. Put on asphalt paper, flashing, caulk between flashing and shingles. Sheath the walls with 1/2". 6. Install door with jamb and sloped threshold. Paint all necessary areas. Install wrap around molding. 7. Install vinyl siding. Install soffit to prevent animals from getting into the rafter area and protect facia from the weather.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
It was $2,500 in materials.
How much in materials did this run u
Very helpful video thanks alot. I am planning to build a shed in the back garden. Can you send me the blue prints pls. thanks alot
The problem is with your phone works fine for me
wowww thats so sick
I am going to build a 10 x 20 shed for my rabbitry. I might do something like this but with double doors and windows.
Good job!
thanks for taking the time to share the video it really helped i appreciate it
Nice video, thanks for posting..
U did a very professional job. Thanks for the video
Nice video, I am planning on doing a 14×24 shed myself, could you send me the blueprints? Thanks man!
@Lightboxes! That is a cool shed. I loved it. I like to build one just like it. Can I have the blueprint? I would make a video to show you.
@girlmastergeneral $2,500.00. I had a 10% off coupon from Home Depot. I bought 95% of the material all at once to take advantage of the discount. I did get some vinyl siding for the backside for free, which was brown and not white. The doors are commercial steel skin, used, at $45 each. The deadbolts were also free. I already had all the tools I needed to build the shed.
This shed is awesome! How much did it cost to build?
That is a very cool video!
Thank you.